Instructions for Preparing E-posters

Dear authors of the e-posters,
The Scientific Committee of the 8th Baltic Morphology Conference kindly asks you to prepare the e-posters as follows:
1. Prepare exactly 6 ppt. slides (neither more or less) for your presentation. The first slide should contain the title of the presentation, authors and affiliations; the last one should contain the conclusions (acknowledgements are optional). The slides should be prepared on a white background using a dark font colours.
2. The presentation should be converted in to PDF files and sent to andrej.suchomlinov@mf.vu.lt before November 9th, 2015. Your presentations will be uploaded to the Conference webpage, and will be accessible only on the Conference days for all the participants using security code which will be provided during the Conference (at the registration).

Instructions for Preparing Abstracts

General remarks

Authors should submit their abstract as one Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) file following strictly specified layout of structural elements as outlined below. Type the whole abstract single-spaced. Use 12 point Verdana font. Please, send the Abstracts to Dr. Andrej Suchomlinov (andrej.suchomlinov@mf.vu.lt). The deadline for Abstracts submission is the 19th of September, 2015.


Please write your text in good British English. Language quality is author’s responsibility. Please make spell and language check before sending your abstract.

Format of abstracts

  1. Title. The title should be in Title case and bold, written in upper- and lowercase letters (initial uppercase for all words except articles, conjunctions, short prepositions no longer than four letters) so that first letters of the words in the title are in caps. Words like: articles (the, a), and, or, between etc. are exceptions. The word following a colon (:) or a hyphen (-) in the title is always capitalized.
  2. Author listing. Type (in bold) the first name (capitalize only the first letter) and last name (in CAPITAL letters) of authors. Author listings must be submitted exactly as you wish for publication. In one line list all authors with full names separated by a comma (and space). Last author should be separated with the word “and”. Only the first name and family name of authors should be given. Avoid any abbreviations of academic or professional titles.
  3. Affiliation consists of the name of a department(s) and institution(s), city and country to which the author(s) belong and to which the submitted abstract should be attributed. List all affiliations (each in a separate line) in the order corresponding to the list of authors. Affiliations must be written in English.
  4. Contact e-mail address should be provided.
  5. Body of the abstract. The body of the Research-Based Abstract should contain paragraphs with the following headings (in bold): The aim of the study, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusions. There are no special requirements for the structure of Descriptive Abstracts.  The body of the abstract is limited to 2000 characters (including spaces). Do not include citations, tables or illustrations, or use undefined abbreviations.
  6. Provide 3-5 keywords in alphabetical order.
  7. Please indicate the chosen type of presentation: oral or poster.